Jeff 4 Justice
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Locals’ Definition Of “Supporters” & “Members” Relating To Hinderances On Lesser Known Creators

As a creator at Locals, I got the impression Locals would expand my ability to upload vides from a 5gb limit to 15gb limit once I attained 50 people joining my Jeff 4 Justice community. Apparently I was mistaken. I concluded this because at Locals support article, “What are tiers,” it reads, “You are assigned a tier according to the number of supporters, both 1-time and subscription, your community has. When you have reached a tier milestone you can be upgraded to another tier.” Note “1-time” does not appear to be defined. The article explains, “Basic Tier - 0-49 Supporters, Starter Tier - 50-499 Supporters, Pro Tier - 500+ Supporters; Basic - 5,000 (5gb), Starter - 15,000 (15gb), Pro - 50,000 (50gb).”

Annoyed at the limitations of Locals’ 5gb upload limit hindering me from uploading many videos, I hustled to get 50 people to join my Jeff 4 Justice community at Locals. After 50 joined, I then noticed no upgrade to a 15gb storage limit. On 5/17 I emailed Locals support, “My understanding is I was supposed to be able to advance to Locals’ “starter tier” and have my monthly upload limit increased from 5gb to 15gb after 50 people joined my community. It appears as though I have 53 members now. When will the increase to 15gb occur?” That day I received a reply from Locals support, “The requirements to advance to higher tiers is based on Supporters, not Members. You need to generate revenue.”

Huh? “Supporters” not “Members”? I’ve read all the Locals support articles I could find regarding their recommendations of best practices for creators to have the best shot at doing well on this venue. Apparently, I missed their support article titled, “There are 4 different types of members.”

Can you blame me for the confusion? Back to the Locals article, “What are tiers,” it refers to both “supporters” and “members” in a way I perceived as synonyms. “User permissions will allow you to give different access and badges to members of your community. To read more about it, click here… Email addresses of members,” the article states. It’s obviously easy to get mixed up trying to understand how Locals is defining “supporters” and “members.” What’s more, the “What are tiers” does not refer to the difference between how Locals is defining “supporters” and “members.” I see a “related articles” section at the upper left-hand side of the “What are tiers” articles yet none of those related articles were the article titled, “There are 4 different types of members.”

Locals has a catch-22 for unknown and lesser-known independent creators. How do we build a following - let alone a paying audience - when we Locals appears to provide no exposure to our content? Especially considering political creators like me seem shadow banned on big tech? At Locals, we unknown and lesser-known independent creators are hindered by upload limits.

Where exactly is incentive and support for unknown and lesser known independent creators? It’s akin to working at a store as a salesman yet not being able to meet customers.

I won’t put anyone on the spot but I’ve seen political creators on Locals with way larger followings than I have yet they are barely active on Locals. Yet I tried to upload numerous videos and only get a handful of views receiving no help from Locals getting my videos seen.

In my previous commentary, “6 Ways Lesser Known Creators Need Locals To Help Us” I first addressed Locals’ problems for unknown and lesser-known independent creators.

I continue to avail myself to discuss this with the Locals leadership (and Rumble too since it’s apparently the same company). I will happily focus group test or have a call with Locals leadership to discuss the barriers unknown and lesser-known independent creators face trying to build a following on big tech alternatives.


My first commentary on this topic: “6 Ways Lesser Known Creators Need Locals To Help Us”

Locals support article “What are tiers?”

Locals support article “What are tiers?”

What are the different tiers of members?

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I Started 1st LGBT Group In A Small Town - When It Was Still Hard To Be Openly Gay

I share the story of starting the 1st LGBT group in a small town area in 2023 - back when it was still difficult to be openly gay. To give you an idea how hostile this area was towards gays, the counties in this region voted against marriage equality by around 70-80%. This video details the years I spent leading the group.

Thank you for watching.

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At you can sign up for my Jeff 4 Justice email list. Rest assured I limit the number of emails I send out to a ...

9/11 Media Gatekeeper Amy Goodman Confronted

9/11 Media Gatekeeper Amy Goodman Confronted

Jeff 4 Justice asks Amy Goodman if she’s at peace with her handling of citizen journalists who’ve pleaded with her to interview 9/11 narrative skeptics. Additionally we look back at Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA explaining to Goodman how so-called progressive media like The Nation and Mother Jones have ostracized 9/11 narrative skeptics. See that original video at on YouTube: WeAreChange Los Angeles / Amy Goodman questioned about 911

📖 Reference archive of Amy Goodman confrontations

Thank you for watching.

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Please share this video link on your social media. I am an entirely self-funded, independent media creator with no funds for advertising as of the time of this upload. By sharing the link, you help me achieve more visibility.

🙂 My Social Media Presence

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Rosario Dawson Kisses Jeff 4 Justice After Talking Politics

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Thank you for watching.

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Please share this video link on your social media. I am an entirely self-funded, independent media creator with no funds for advertising as of the time of this upload. By sharing the link, you help me achieve more visibility.

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At you can sign up for my Jeff 4 Justice email list. Rest assured I limit the number of emails I send out to a reasonable amount of 1-2 per month.

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I have anti-establishment political commentaries, interviews, and activism videos. Here’s a preview video at

I always do my best to reply to comments. 🙂


If I’m Frequently In Conflict Does It Mean I’m A Bad Person?

I entirely reject the idea that if I frequently experience conflict it means I must be a bad person. This is on my mind after someone told me online, “If you meet an a-hole in the morning, you met an a-hole. If you meet a-holes all day, you're the a-hole.” I completely disagree.

Religious people seem to think conflict is an inherent part of life being born into sin among Satan and demons. An atheist viewpoint is - “fight or flight” is inherently built into us making mankind prone to conflict.

No matter how famous someone is there’s nearly always haters in the comments section. Same goes for non-famous people. See the song: Hater’s Anthem

There’s so much conflict in the world that there are numerous X/Twitter accounts dedicated to showing physical and/or verbal fights including both children and adults. Conflict has spawned catchphrases like “FAFO” and “Karen.”

I theorize after the medical madness era of 2020, much of humanity has so much internalized stress and this is causing people to be ...

I’m Researching Running For President

I’m researching Green Party’s “2024 Nomination Process.” If I run it will be under a new brand name (not Jeff 4 Justice).

Green Party sems to more or less have a platform addressing the grievances outlined in “Rich Men North of Richmond.” While I’d prefer to start my own party with a different name, the Green Party should suffice.

My vision:

•Stop the fear-based systems of control from endlessly perpetuating stress and misery.

•Declassify nearly everything.

•Explore alternatives to money as we know it. The federal reserve dollar is made up nonsense that’s an endless debt trap. 50 states should be 50 economic experiments.

•Investigate if “free energy” and “cars running off water/solar” and cures for major diseases are suppressed. Crimes against humanity charges for any people or corporations suppressing these humanity emancipating resources. Investigate if secret societies are suppressing humanity.

•Investigate why the countless nonprofits and churches haven’t ended homeless, poverty, and other social woes.


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