Jeff 4 Justice
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Jimmy Dore On Cenk Uygur’s Charge Of Faking C19 Jab Adverse Reaction

Jeff 4 Justice asks Jimmy Dore for response to Cenk Uygur’s accusation that he’s faking adverse reaction to c19 jab. ▼ Click "More" for additional information

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Jeff4Justice, Jeff 4 Justice, politics, independent media, indie media, news, real news, indie news, independent news, journalism, indie journalism, independent journalism, commentary, political commentary, interview, political interview, Jimmy Dore, The Jimmy Dore Show, Jimmy Dore Show, political infighting, Cenk Uygur, Cenk Uygur Jimmy Dore, Cenk Uygur pbd, adverse reaction, adverse reaction vaccine injury, covid jab

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I Started 1st LGBT Group In A Small Town - When It Was Still Hard To Be Openly Gay

I share the story of starting the 1st LGBT group in a small town area in 2023 - back when it was still difficult to be openly gay. To give you an idea how hostile this area was towards gays, the counties in this region voted against marriage equality by around 70-80%. This video details the years I spent leading the group.

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9/11 Media Gatekeeper Amy Goodman Confronted

9/11 Media Gatekeeper Amy Goodman Confronted

Jeff 4 Justice asks Amy Goodman if she’s at peace with her handling of citizen journalists who’ve pleaded with her to interview 9/11 narrative skeptics. Additionally we look back at Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA explaining to Goodman how so-called progressive media like The Nation and Mother Jones have ostracized 9/11 narrative skeptics. See that original video at on YouTube: WeAreChange Los Angeles / Amy Goodman questioned about 911

📖 Reference archive of Amy Goodman confrontations

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Rosario Dawson Kisses Jeff 4 Justice After Talking Politics

Rosario Dawson (star of Star Wars series Ahsoka on Disney+) discusses the need for political party options beyond the 2 party system of Republicans and Democrats.
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I have anti-establishment political commentaries, interviews, and activism videos. Here’s a preview video at

I always do my best to reply to comments. 🙂


I’m Researching Running For President

I’m researching Green Party’s “2024 Nomination Process.” If I run it will be under a new brand name (not Jeff 4 Justice).

Green Party sems to more or less have a platform addressing the grievances outlined in “Rich Men North of Richmond.” While I’d prefer to start my own party with a different name, the Green Party should suffice.

My vision:

•Stop the fear-based systems of control from endlessly perpetuating stress and misery.

•Declassify nearly everything.

•Explore alternatives to money as we know it. The federal reserve dollar is made up nonsense that’s an endless debt trap. 50 states should be 50 economic experiments.

•Investigate if “free energy” and “cars running off water/solar” and cures for major diseases are suppressed. Crimes against humanity charges for any people or corporations suppressing these humanity emancipating resources. Investigate if secret societies are suppressing humanity.

•Investigate why the countless nonprofits and churches haven’t ended homeless, poverty, and other social woes.


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Thoughts On Increasing Hostility Towards Transgenders

Shouldn’t trans qualify for social security disability if they’re mentally ill as claimed by Republican politicians, groups, and spotlighted detransitioners?

👎 Ridiculing Transgenders

“What is a Woman” by Matt Walsh portrays trans as mentally ill. Walsh has gone to school board meetings before. Where is his call to provide SSDI benefits and counseling to the trans he deems mentally ill?

Gays Against Groomers frequently refers to trans as mentally ill. Why aren’t they using thier vast visibility to organize aid for mentally ill trans? Instead they mock.

🤔 Abortion Lessons

Will screaming “baby murderer” or offering financial aid to expecting mothers result in less abortion?

I heard the Cale Clarke Show on talk radio the other day. He was talking about being pro-life cradle to grave.

Those opposing child gender surgeries would have more credibility if they organized a nonprofit to aid with counseling to those they deem as mentally I’ll and lobby for them to access social security disability benefits - instead of ridiculing.


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